A Slim Jim tool is a long, slender, flat piece of metal or plastic used primarily for locksmithing and emergency lockout situations. It is designed to manipulate the locking mechanisms of car doors, particularly those with a vertical rod lock or similar mechanisms. Locksmiths and certain law enforcement professionals may use Slim Jim tools to unlock vehicles when the keys are locked inside.
It's important to note that using a Slim Jim tool to unlock a car door without proper training and authorization can potentially damage the vehicle's locking mechanism or trigger the airbags, so it should only be used by trained professionals or in emergencies where the owner of the vehicle is locked out and has given permission to use the tool.
It's also worth mentioning that the use of Slim Jim tools has become somewhat obsolete in recent years due to advancements in vehicle locking systems, which are now more secure and resistant to such methods of entry. Modern locksmiths often use more sophisticated tools and techniques to gain access to locked vehicles, like Lishi tool 2 of 1.
There are updates to Slim Jim for residential.